Return to blog since May 2019

Hello and welcome back to my blog. 

I know it been a long time since my last post but I have now got the time to try and add to my blog on a regular basis. Since my last post on what is in my photography bag, I have been trying to obtain a permanent job as a junior graphic designer but have only managed to get a short internship last summer. Spending two weeks at that studio gave me a fantastic opportunity to gain further experience in the industry and I undertook a number of projects with them. They have asked me to work as a freelance for them so that was a fantastic role for me so I can work from home. This has given me a number of assignments to work on but this can be variable with it being busy one week and then nothing in other weeks. 

When I am not doing any freelance work I use the opportunity to carry on my personal project at home. I am using this to keep my skill in Creative Suite and build my skills in different software. I have not shared the results of this work online as I still think it needs further work to make it good enough to share with others. I have been learning After Effects software to have a go at creating a short animation clip for myself using tutorials online to help me. I think that by getting to know After Effects software and using it with Premiere Pro. I will be able to enhance my skill set allowing me to tackle projects and make myself more likely to find a wider variety of work in the creative industry.

Since the beginning of January, my freelance work has dried up so I have been using the opportunity to go out to do more photography. I also undertook a voluntary project to re-brand the Volleyball club of which I am a member both to update their image and to give me more experience working with a client although I know all of those who will accept the project. I have been proactive with my job hunting or freelance hunting by sent many emails with my portfolio to many agencies or studio and had arranged a couple of interviews for junior creative designer role. 


COVID 19 hit the United Kingdom and Britain had gone lockdown on March 17th 2020. 

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and will see you again in my next blog post.

Till next time.

