"Unlocking My Superpowers: Overcoming perceptions of deafness and succeeding as a creative designer with enhanced Vision, exceptional planning, and the ability to read everything"

As a creative designer who is deaf, I have faced numerous challenges in trying to establish my career in the design industry. Despite the common misconceptions surrounding my abilities, I have always believed that I possess unique and valuable superpowers that set me apart from others. These superpowers include enhanced vision, exceptional planning, and the ability to read everything, including my passion for brand and packaging with FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods).

Superpower One - Enhanced Vision.

One of my most powerful superpowers is my enhanced vision. As a designer, I have a keen eye for detail and a natural ability to find beauty in even the most mundane objects. I had to look harder at the world around me, and in that sense, I developed my passion for photography in nature and wildlife. This has allowed me to create designs that are visually stunning and highly effective. Being deaf has given me the ability to focus more intently on the visual aspects of a design, allowing me to pick up on subtle details that others may overlook. This has given me an advantage in the design industry, as I can to create designs that are both beautiful and functional.

Superpower Two - Exceptional Planning.

Another one of my superpowers is my exceptional planning abilities. As someone who is deaf, I have had to learn how to navigate a world that is not always accommodating to my needs. This has required me to be highly organised and proactive in my planning, such as video calls and project briefs, which I read several times to fully understand what I have to do and write down the tasks I need to accomplish. I have developed the ability to anticipate potential obstacles and find creative solutions to overcome them. This has allowed me to excel in the design industry, as I can plan and execute projects with precision and efficiency.

I have regularly taken part in 36 days of type but with advanced planning of sometimes up to 6 months before the edition release date. I am doing my forth edition for next year's spring of 36 days of type series. 

Superpower Three - The Ability to Read Everything.

Finally, Have you ever come across a designer who doesn't take the time to read through the brief properly? Well, believe it or not, there are some out there. However, I ensure that I read through the brief multiple times to understand it thoroughly. From reading words on screens to in-person conversations, I've always been an avid reader. Although going through the brief on paper or via email can sometimes be time-consuming, I'm dedicated to doing my best to comprehend it. An in-depth briefing and any supporting materials will only aid me in getting there faster!

My ability to read everything is a superpower that has proven to be invaluable in my career as a designer, especially when it comes to brand and packaging with FMCG. While reading the brief on paper or via email or supporting materials can sometimes take time, I do my best to understand it. As someone who relies heavily on written communication, I have developed the ability to read and comprehend large amounts of information quickly and accurately. This has allowed me to stay on top of the latest design trends, technologies, and techniques. Additionally, it has given me an advantage in the workplace, as I can keep up with the fast-paced nature of the design industry.

Overcoming Perceptions of Deafness

Despite the challenges I have faced as a creative designer who is deaf, I have learned to embrace my superpowers and use them to my advantage. By being proactive in communication and honing my skills as a designer, I have been able to overcome the barrier of perception surrounding my deafness in the workplace. I am hopeful that my experiences will inspire other creatives who may be facing similar challenges to pursue their dreams and make their own work environments more inclusive.


In conclusion, being a creative designer who is deaf has its challenges, but I have learned to use my unique superpowers to overcome them. By embracing my enhanced vision, exceptional planning, and the ability to read everything, including my passion for brand and packaging with FMCG, I have been able to excel in the design industry and prove that my deafness does not limit my potential as a designer.

Till Next time…

